Big Rivers Electric Corporation
Sebree Station
“CCR Rule Compliance and Data Information”



257.60 (a) Placement above Uppermost Aquifer

257.61 (a) Wetlands

257.62 (a) Fault Areas

257.63 (a) Seismic Impact Zones

257.64 (a) Unstable Areas


257.70 (e) and (f) Design and Construction Certification prior to and upon completion

257.71 (a) Documentation of liner type

257.72 (c) and (d) Design and Construction Certifications

257.73 (a)(2) and 257.74 (a)(2) The Initial and Periodic Hazard Potential Classification Assessments

257.73 (a)(3) and 257.74 (a)(3) Emergency Action Plan

257.73 (a)(3)(v) and 257.74 (a)(3)(i)(E) Local Emergency Responder’s Meetings and Exercises

257.73 (a)(3)(v) and 257.74 (a)(3)(v) Activations of Emergency Action Plan

257.73 (c) History of Construction

257.73 (d) and 257.74 (d) Initial and Periodic Structural Stability Assessments

257.73 (d)(2) and 257.74 (d)(2) Corrective Measures Taken to Remedy Structural Stability Deficiencies or Release

257.73 (e) and 257.74 (e) Initial and Periodic Safety Factor Assessments

257.74 (c) Design and Construction Plans and Revisions


257.80 (b) CCR Fugitive Dust Control Plan

257.80 (c) Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

257.81 (c) Initial and Periodic Run-On and Run-Off Control System Plans

257.82 (c) Initial and Periodic Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan

257.83 (b)(2) Annual Inspection of CCR Surface Impoundments

257.83 (b)(5) and 257. 84 (b)(5) Corrective Measures Taken to Remedy Deficiency or Release after an Annual Inspection of a CCR Surface Impoundment and or Landfill

257.84 (b)(2) Annual Inspection of Existing and New CCR Landfills


257.90 (e) Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report

257.91 (f) Groundwater Monitoring System Certification and 257.93 (f)(6) and selection of a statistical method certification

257.94 (e)(3) Notification of Establishment of an Assessment Monitoring Program

257.95 (g) Required Notifications for Statistically Significant Levels above the Groundwater Protection Standard

257.95 (g)(5) Notification of Initiating the Assessment of Corrective Measure Requirements for Statistically Significant Levels above the Groundwater Protection Standard

257.96 (d) Completed Assessment of Corrective Measures

257.96 (e) Assessment of Corrective Measures Public Meeting

257.97 (a) Semiannual Report Describing the Progress in Selecting and Designing the Remedy and the Selection of Remedy Report as Required

257.98 (e) Notification of Remedy Completion



257.100 (c)(1) Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure of the CCR Unit

257.100 (c)(2)(i)(ii) Annual Progress Reports of Closure Implementation

257.100 (c)(3) Notification of Closure Completion

257.102 (b) Written Closure Plan

257.102 (e)(2)(ii) and (iii) Written Demonstration and Certification for a Time Extension of Initiating Closure

257.102 (f)(iii) and 257.102 (f)(2)(i) Documentation Regarding Completion of Closure

257.102 (g) Notification of Intent to Close a CCR Unit

257.102 (h) Notification of Completion of Closure of a CCR Unit

257.102 (i) Notification Recording a Notation on the Deed

257.103 (c)(1) Notification of Intent to Comply with Alternative Closure Requirements

257.103 (c)(2) Annual Progress Reports Under the Alternative Closure Requirements

257.103 (f)(2) Permanent Cessation of a Coal-Fired Boiler(s) by a Date Certain

257.103 (f)(2)(ix) Approved or Denied Demonstration For The Site-Specific Alternative to Initiation of Closure Due to Permanent Cessation of a Coal-Fired Boiler(s) by a Date Certain

103(f)(2)(x) Annual Progress Report for the Site-Specific Alternative to Initiation of Closure Due to Permanent Cessation of a Coal-Fired Boiler(s) by a Date Certain

257.104 (d) Written Post-Closure Plan and Any Amendments of the Plan

257.104 (e) Notification of Completion of Post-Closure Care Period


257.102 (k)(2) Written Retrofit Plan

257.103 Notification of Intent that the Retrofit Activities Will Proceed in Accordance with the Alternative Procedures and Annual Progress Reports

257.102 (f)(2)(iii) and 257.102 (k)(3) Written Demonstrations and Certifications for a Time Extension for Completing Retrofit Activities

257.102 (k)(5) Notification of intent to initiate retrofit of a CCR unit

257.102 (k)(6) Notification of completion of retrofit activities



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